We hope you found our free MCAT practice tests resource page informative and useful. When selecting the right MCAT test prep, look for whether the 2020 changes are accounted for, even in your free MCAT practice tests.Īt Test Prep Nerds, we believe that test prep does not need to break the bank. The best MCAT prep services are diligent about staying up to date on the current version of the test and modifying their preparation strategies accordingly. The allotted maximum time for each section is reduced.All 4 sections will have fewer questions.The allotted maximum time to finish the test is now 5 hours and 45 minutes.
In 2020, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) instituted important adjustments to the structure of the MCAT exam. What to Look for in an MCAT Practice Test That said, these free high-quality MCAT practice tests can be used to supplement any MCAT study plan. You can purchase them on the AAMC website.
The only MCAT practice test that is going to exactly match the style and way questions are asked is the Official AAMC practice test.